Though there was a chance of fog, only spotty patches of fog were encountered en route to the launch site and upon arrival there was no fog at the field.  Cool temperatures and good shade from the trailer made it easy to set up, as the canopy was not needed.  We quickly set tables, controller, and pads in their locations and got down to the fun.

We had 4 very busy flyers who put up a total of 15 flights, burning 19 motors ranging from A to G.  All flights were successful.  Wait, Randy, there were some problems.  Yes, but even less than perfect flights are a success in my book, IF we learn something in the process.  Good job, EVERYONE.

Some flights of note were:

First off the pad Was Victor Valdez, Jr. with support of his father, Victor Valdez.  His first ever rocket flight was on an Estes Alpha with an A8 motor.  The flight was good, but unfortunately the shock cord mount pulled out.  Luck was on his side and he recovered both pieces undamaged.  It will fly again.

Stuart Goodrich flew a first for the club.  He launched a LOC Phoenix on a cluster of 4 motors.  The Phoenix lifted off with 4 - B6 motors and had a nominal flight.  It is not easy getting all the motors in a cluster lit, but Stuart got it right the first time out.

Roman Galvan flew his rebuilt Roman XIII to a great flight.  Unfortunately what appeared to be a broken shock cord caused him to lose his payload bay and nose cone, but Roman is persistent and he will be back to try it again soon.  Roman XIII is a scratch built rocket with 3D printed fin can, motor retainer, payload bay, and nose cone.  The body tube is PVC.  It is his own design and, other than the shock cord issue, he had a straight and awesome flight.

Carlos Vela flew a LOC Photon on a D12 motor to a picture perfect flight.  He was excited and wished he had more motors to fly it again.  Thanks to Stuart Goodrich for granting his wish by loaning him 2 more D12 motors and Carlos flew it 2 more times, both flights with excellent results.  Great job on Carlos's first flights with the club.

Victor Jr. flew several more flights with his Sizzler I and Prospector I.  All great flights.  With the thrill fresh in his heart, he was making a list of needed supplies, even before the launch was over.  It is great to see the the young and young at heart thrilled by the rocketry hobby.

I want to recognize Stuart Goodrich for the donations of supplies and time that he gave to all the flyers at the field today.  Stuart, you made a lot of people successful today.  Paying it forward.

All told, it was a successful launch and we set a record for number of flights and motors burned today.  

Lets tell our friends and spread the word so that we can continue to grow the club and our launches.

Carlos's LOC Photon in flight.

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